I do not understand what I did wrong.
I am glad that bad guys are captured and that people can come together.
I am sad that there have to be so many hurts first, and then more after.
I feel a little distant today.
I want to stay at home. Forever.
And it makes me wonder what else in my life was I wrong about.
God Bless America
We will not give in. We will not give up.
There are beautiful things in the distance. Sometimes it is not such a bad place.
There is no place like home. But home is not home unless I have been away first.
* * *
I feel bad that I got really upset today because a new episode of one of my favorite shows got cancelled because of extensive news coverage of the Boston man-hunt.
I feel really bad because I got all upset and then I thought of the families of the people who died. And I thought of the people who got limbs torn from them in such violence and hate. And I thought of my country. And I thought of families. And I thought of those two men who did it all and I got mad. And then I got weary. And then I realized I should stop putting so many "I's" in my sentences.
We'll keep going, because that's what we do.We.
I found out a hard thing about myself. And it makes me sad and lonesome feeling. It's one of those things that you just are and can't really change. It's not a bad thing. Just a hard thing. And it makes me feel bad that it's not bad, and I shouldn't have to apologize, but I still do because that's another thing that I am. I'm a sorry-er. Just like I'm a crier. I'm a sorry-er.
Sorry, it's a down day.
Tomorrow will be kinder.
With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.
Kaitlin R.