Friday, April 19, 2013

Just a little down today...


I do not understand what I did wrong.


I am glad that bad guys are captured and that people can come together. 


I am sad that there have to be so many hurts first, and then more after. 


I feel a little distant today.


I want to stay at home. Forever. 


And it makes me wonder what else in my life was I wrong about. 


God Bless America


We will not give in. We will not give up. 


There are beautiful things in the distance. Sometimes it is not such a bad place.


There is no place like home. But home is not home unless I have been away first.

* * *
I feel bad that I got really upset today because a new episode of one of my favorite shows got cancelled because of extensive news coverage of the Boston man-hunt. 

I feel really bad because I got all upset and then I thought of the families of the people who died. And I thought of the people who got limbs torn from them in such violence and hate. And I thought of my country. And I thought of families. And I thought of those two men who did it all and I got mad. And then I got weary. And then I realized I should stop putting so many "I's" in my sentences. 

We'll keep going, because that's what we do.We.

I found out a hard thing about myself. And it makes me sad and lonesome feeling. It's one of those things that you just are and can't really change. It's not a bad thing. Just a hard thing. And it makes me feel bad that it's not bad, and I shouldn't have to apologize, but I still do because that's another thing that I am. I'm a sorry-er. Just like I'm a crier. I'm a sorry-er. 

Sorry, it's a down day. 

Tomorrow will be kinder.

With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I feel like the world is holding its breath.

And waiting


the next


to explode.

With utmost sincerity,

Kaitlin R.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

I'd like to think...

I'd like to think maybe I was wrong and that you weren't. 

And that you didn't take yourself away so suddenly and so soon.

{Have a heart?}

They asked that? 

Who asked that?

They'll blame you, I know, it's so easy to blame...too easy.

I'm sorry that they have to let you go so soon. 

I'm sorry they were wrong.

I'm sorry I wasn't. 

With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Fill that void in your pathetic life by playing whack-a-mole 17 hours a day."

Pathetic life voids for the winning!

So, I ate a ton (almost literally) of cotton candy just a bit ago, and now I feel like blahka!

There's really nothing for me to say, except that it got up to 60 degrees up here and...I thought it was too hot. Seriously. It's so hot.

I love America. I'm going to be politically incorrect here. Deal with it.

I love America. I love all that it has to offer. I love being free. I love that people can have opinions, and even if you hate those opinions, people can still have them. I love the good we've done. Yes, we've been wrong. We've made mistakes, some huge, some smaller, some still haunt us. Still, we have done so much good in the world. Why do we so often gloss over the good and focus on the bad? I don't mean that just on the subject of America, but in general. We thrive on negativism. Dumb.

Anyways, I love America. I will fight for America. I will live for America.

With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.