I was nominated for this award thingy by the dear, sweet Miss Carolina. Visit her lovely blog here!
She's an absolutely spiffing person!
Basically, Miss Carolina has given me some questions to answer! Yay!
1. Hogwarts House?
Hufflepuff!!! Yes! I am a badger!
2. What are your go-to questions when you first meet someone?
Just your basic, "Hello, nice to meet you, what's your name?...Where are you from?...What brings you to Utah?...What's you're major?...What's your job?..."
3. What is your earliest memory?
My third birthday party! I remember getting a little book from my uncle!
4. What are you SO happy about right now??
I'm happy that I was able to sleep in and that today is my day off! Oh, and that tomorrow is Halloween!
5. What is a major goal of yours?
Currently? To finish my book, not to get published, I don't think I'm that dedicated, but just to have. In the long term, to get married in the Salt Lake Temple and raise my family in righteousness.
Currently? To finish my book, not to get published, I don't think I'm that dedicated, but just to have. In the long term, to get married in the Salt Lake Temple and raise my family in righteousness.
6. Favorite scripture? (I need to know!)
Ah! This is so hard! Is it possible? Alma 48:17, 3 Nephi 17 (yes, the whole chapter), D&C 121-7-8, D&C 128:22-23...there's a ton more...Pretty much all of Isaiah, and all of everything because it's all SO GOOD! :D
7. If I had the nefarious spinach in my teeth, would you tell me?
I would indeed my dear! :)
I would indeed my dear! :)
8. Best pumpkin you have ever carved?
I actually got to carve pumpkins at my work last week and they were spiffy. I did a light house and an anchor! They were my favorite!
I actually got to carve pumpkins at my work last week and they were spiffy. I did a light house and an anchor! They were my favorite!
9. Favorite movie?
"Beauty and the Beast." There's a great deal of nostalgia that influences this action. And the music and the magic and the memories...ah! I just adore it! If I had to choose another favorite movie...ah! There's so many that I adore! LOTR, The Mummy, Peter Pan (the one with Jason Issacs as Captain Hook, love him!),...there's just so much love!
"Beauty and the Beast." There's a great deal of nostalgia that influences this action. And the music and the magic and the memories...ah! I just adore it! If I had to choose another favorite movie...ah! There's so many that I adore! LOTR, The Mummy, Peter Pan (the one with Jason Issacs as Captain Hook, love him!),...there's just so much love!
10. Do you dance in the rain?
I do, every available opportunity that I get. I heard a quote some years ago that I adore and feel is perfectly true. "Those who say sunshine is true happiness have never danced in the rain."
I do, every available opportunity that I get. I heard a quote some years ago that I adore and feel is perfectly true. "Those who say sunshine is true happiness have never danced in the rain."
11. Tell me something. (Not a question, just a request.)
Molly Weasley's birthday's today!
Okay, I send this blog award for extra special sweetness on to Sarah! At http://skettiseyes.blogspot.com/
My questions for her are:
1. Favorite literary device and why?
2. Current favorite band?
3. Where do you want to be right now?
4. What are you most looking forward to for the near future?
5. Current favorite book and why?
6. Do you prefer berries or stone fruit, like blueberries or peaches?
7. What's frustrating you most right now?
8. Favorite television show and why? (Tell the people Sketti!)
9. Why is it so good to love stories and things that don't technically exist?
10. What were you doing before answering these questions on your blog?
11. Favorite poem?
With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.
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