Sunday, September 30, 2012

Too hard...

{"You tried too hard," he said.
"I know," she said. 
"But," he began, "it's okay, because you can begin again."}

I know my Savior Lives.
I love Him.
Yesterday I had the privilege to go to the Conference Center for the General Relief Society Broadcast.
While I was listening, a small hole in my heart seemed to fill. I found what I was missing, and I realized that I was foolish enough to believe that I had been missing something physical, something touchable.
I see now that I was wrong, because there is enough.
There is enough time, enough money, enough goodness to keep going.
There is enough love and hope and faith.
There is enough, because God never faileth.
Because God has steered this world since its existence, so why would He stop now?
With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.

1 comment:

  1. I WAS AT THE CONFERENCE CENTER. WAAAAAA? I missed you. :( I guess it is sort of hard to find one person out of twenty thousand, though. You're wonderful.
    Keep smiling, Kaitlin!
