Sunday, January 27, 2013


My humanities textbook said something that I ended up writing on a piece of paper and sticking to my wall.

{Just because it's irrational doesn't mean it's not real...}

How great is that?!!

I guess I like it so much because I'm an irrational human person. 


I love Ellen Degeneres. 

I watch her videos on Youtube and I always end up crying when she gives things away. She's just so bright and so good. 

I want to be like that. I want to be brighter and better and inspire people!


I also heard another quote from a video by "Kid President."

{We can cry about it, or we can dance about it.}

I love that. 

With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that video!!! AND I LOVE IT. JUST LIKE I LOVE SPACE JAM. (even though I don't know what Space Jam is).
    I'm learning to dance like him.
    I adore you, dear.
