Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Fill that void in your pathetic life by playing whack-a-mole 17 hours a day."

Pathetic life voids for the winning!

So, I ate a ton (almost literally) of cotton candy just a bit ago, and now I feel like blahka!

There's really nothing for me to say, except that it got up to 60 degrees up here and...I thought it was too hot. Seriously. It's so hot.

I love America. I'm going to be politically incorrect here. Deal with it.

I love America. I love all that it has to offer. I love being free. I love that people can have opinions, and even if you hate those opinions, people can still have them. I love the good we've done. Yes, we've been wrong. We've made mistakes, some huge, some smaller, some still haunt us. Still, we have done so much good in the world. Why do we so often gloss over the good and focus on the bad? I don't mean that just on the subject of America, but in general. We thrive on negativism. Dumb.

Anyways, I love America. I will fight for America. I will live for America.

With utmost sincerity,
Kaitlin R.

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