Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I adore it...

I am drowning myself in Harry Potter. 
And it is beyond lovely. 

I finally got myself sorted on Pottermore.
 I'm a Hufflepuff. I wanted to be a Slytherin, mostly because I love Snape and I feel they're misunderstood. 

But now that I've become a badger, I realize that there is no way I could be anything but a Hufflepuff.

I'm not ambitious or cunning, I'm not brave, and I'm not witty and clever. 

Not as much as I am loyal anyways.
The thing about Hufflepuffs is that, while they may be seen as quiet and/or dorky, they're actually quite strong. They don't go boasting about it.
They really are like badgers. They seem quiet and go around doing their own thing, but if you mess with them, they will mess back!

So, I like to think I'm kinda ferocious like a badger sometimes.

Even so, I wouldn't mind being a Slytherin, just saying. 

Regardless, yeah, so Harry Potter. I was reading the end of the fourth book today and started balling my eyes out when Voldemort and Harry are dueling in the graveyard. When the shadows of the people killed started coming out of Voldy's wand. 

What's especially amazing to me is that the feeling I feel toward all the characters, whether it's anger or disgust or love or sorrow or happiness or hilarity...the feelings are all so real.

So, it gets me to thinking that, it doesn't matter if they're "real" or not. I grew up with them. I learned with them, I laughed with them, I lost with them.

And every ounce of magic those books contain are still in my fingertips as I turn the pages. 

That's why I absolutely adore the line Albus Dumbledore says in the seventh book to Harry.

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

To me, it was J.K. Rowling speaking to every single one of her readers, who'd followed this adventure through to the end. 

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Reader, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" 

 Why indeed?

Perhaps I'm too overly sentimental, but I'm not going to apologize for it. 

I love to love.

Hahaha, okay, I think my Harry Potter rant time is over, for now anyway.

So, go on my lovelies! Love life, love love, love God, and serve Him.

There's a Hogwarts of our own waiting for us!

With utmost sincerity, 
Kaitlin R.



  1. Tonks was a Hufflepuff, and so am I!

  2. Tonks was, and you are?! Yay! Being a Hufflepuff just got a whole lot better...I love Tonks...I miss Tonks...and I love you and miss you too of course!
