Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just so we're clear...

Google Blogger has decided that my blog is a spam blog.
Well, rather their robots have decided that.

Just so we're clear though, it is not.
I mean, does my writing seem like spam?
If it does, I am sorry.

So worry not, I don't have any links to certain pages, nor am I trying to waste your time.

But if I don't get cleared by their spam police in two days, my blog will be deleted in twenty.
If that happens that will be the second time Google Blogger has deleted my blog contrary to my wishes and/or will.

The first time was without any explanation. They just said "this blog has been deleted..."

I was pretty upset.

Anyways, I'm sure they won't. (Knock on wood.)

I am not a robot.

With utmost sincerity, 
Kaitlin R.

1 comment:

  1. That. Is. Ridiculous.
    I did get a notification that your blog was under review. I don't understand.
    Stupid Google.
